Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Self Promotion Using Social Media

       From early morning to late night, these days, we are frequently connected with some sorts of social media. Now social media is no more a new concept, rather it has become a part of our daily life, which has drastically changed the way we used to perceive our surrounding. But, ironically it is nothing more than a virtual world created by the Internet. People are using it as a platform to share ideas and to interact with other people. According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, social media is a form of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and micro blogging) through which users creates online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other contents like videos and images. People updating their Facebook status; sending tweets; watching and sharing videos on YouTube and sharing links on Diggs are some of the examples of  uses of  the social media .This interaction among people from all around the world has converted world into a small global village, where time difference does not matter anymore. The popularity of social media has encouraged many business communities, political activists, and media houses to reach their targeted audiences easily and faster than ever before. The  revolution brought by the social media has not only provided a platform to share our notions, but equally has given a platform to bring social and political changes. For instance, the social media has utterly changed the political scenario of   Middle East. Besides, many people are using social media as a tool of self promotion.
Promotion, advertisement, and branding are not the new words in the world of the marketing.They started with industrial revolution in the early 20th century. Promotion is a message issued on the behalf of some products, ideas, or person. It is an act of rising in a rank or position which is also a parameter to judge people growth and progress. Self promotion is also a part of branding yourself. Self promotion includes advertising and publicity of oneself. According to business visionaries Thomas Peters, “Everyone is a marketer.” One who sells himself and herself is a good sales man. Promoting ourselves has been easier than before because of the evolution of the social media. Before, self promotion was harder than now as one had to go and talk with individual people, or small group of people to sell their agendas. But things are changed now. With the birth of new media like Facebook, twitter, blogs, and video sharing sites, one can reach to the targeted audience faster and easier and get instant feedback too. Instant feedbacks and responses are good ways to improve self promotion.
According to recent poll , 96 of people of US population have joined some sorts of social network. One out of eight couples married in the U.S last year met via social media. You tube is the 2nd largest search engine after Google. Besides, 25 percent of search results for the world’s top largest brands are links to user-generated contest and 34 percent of bloggers post opinions about products and brands. The statistics show how active people are in social media these days.
Self promotion using social media is not a piece of cake, but a proper strategy and planning will lead to positive promotion. The most important thing is to create a brand. Creating brand though the social media will help other people to know and understand your talents. If you are a photographer, then create a photo blog. If you are a good writer or poet, register in a wordpress account and start posting your articles, so that people can see and enjoy your articles.

A photojournalist Jim MacMillan, who won Pulitzer Prize in 2007, said that he was looking for a way to reach to his new audiences. After attending blog world conference, he re-invented himself and joined the social media like Facebook and twitter to reach new viewers of the photography. Now, thousands of people including creative professionals, musicians, and writers follow him. His social presence on the new media even gave him job during the economic recession of 2008. According to Jonah Berger, a marketing professor, using social media not only helps to create a brand but also helps to shape a career for new students and one who is already in a business for  a long time.
Secondly, another good way to self promote ourselves is to follow the leaders. Following leaders and experts in social media will help to get the pulse of the beat we are trying to cover. Reading articles, columns, and following links from experts will help to learn from other people experiences and works. This is also a good way to be in touch with them.
Thirdly, networking through words and deeds is another important aspect of self promotion. Building a network with the like-minded people will help to share and interact about new ideas emerging in the market. Beside that, constructive feed backs received from group members on certain projects or works will help to polish and improve ourselves.
Fourthly, while self promoting, be a teacher, not a salesman. People have tendency to become a salesman when they have to pitch or promote some ideas. Nobody likes salesman because they force you to buy stuffs.  So it is good to be a teacher, who sells ideas but clearly states negative and positive aspects of a certain subject matter. Just throwing ideas on people make them angry so it is better to describe background and explain everything.
Besides that, having all your media presences linked to one social media pages helps to organize oneself in the new media .While doing that, it is important to have  a real name  or a consistent name with a good and short bio .
Learning to be your own advocate is really important these days, either it is on real work place or while doing self promotion on the social media. Being competitive, punctual, positive, and strong with your words and actions are important for branding. Despite of  continuous hard works to self promote, people sometimes make blunder mistakes. Charlie Sheen, Kane West and Chris Brown are recent examples who jeopardize their future just because of their irresponsible behavior in the social media. There are several things which ruined self promotion through the social media.
When you are in the social media, do not post or like any racist, sexist jokes and comments on your wall. Stay away from religious offences and stereotypes. Do not post inappropriate photos and cartoons of you, friends, and family members. Do not send spam to your friends and never forget to say thank you to your well-wishers and critics who give you nice feedbacks on your works.
    Many people think self promoting is not good. For them, self promotion is more like claiming oneself a god, praising ourselves which is not true. Self promotion is not a new concept .People have been self promoting themselves from thousands and thousands of years now. I think self promotion came before marketing and branding because human are promoting themselves every second, every day with proper behaviors and etiquetts just to make an impact on other people. This world is all about impression and self promotion is utterly important.
There are many people in the world who think social media is taking away interaction and personal communication away from the society. But for me, it is bringing back the love and connections which human have missed in last couples of years ago. Long time ago, our ancestors used to live with a small group of people, enjoy bonfire and share tits bits of life.
Now world have changed. It is  a big global village  and social media is connecting  every human dots of  the world ,bringing every one under a same roof and joining every one  though the social media .                                                                      

1 comment:

  1. Good work. You've injected some challenging notions into a well-traveled area of media studies. While "word maps" can be cliché, you've balanced it well against the very cute graphic of the little boy.
    Thought-provoking and well-researched.
